Friday, May 28, 2010

lion - lamb

here is a lion. here is a hero. here is a saint (of sorts.) this powerful woman has called upon her gentleness to create a yoga program for children with special needs. she could also probably scare a bear. i did not witness such a display of this power, but i could feel it swirling around her. she had just finished another one of her training series, designed to give pediatric therapists and individuals the required tools to teach yoga to children with special needs ... she was aglow. she has given this gift to people all over the world, and thousands of children have benefitted from her therapeutic yoga program. she trained my wife. she knew that i was going to come photograph her for this project, and to my surprise, she displayed a slight bit of nervousness at the beginning of the shoot. as quick as the shutter speed, she left nervousness behind, and she traded it in for a bit of pomp and theatrics. she laughed, gestured, sprawled out on the floor... i think she may have roared. anyways... she was a hoot to shoot, and it was surely a pleasure to have met such a human being. her presence is not easily forgotten, and her blessing upon me and this project will not wash. namaste.

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