Wednesday, December 14, 2011

out of the blue came the blue

i finished work and i knew that i again needed a portrait, and i also knew that it would surely serve me well to get one before i made the trip home. so, i stood and i paced a little bit in the street that was usually so speckled with neighbors on foot, and then i stood some more. i waited and yearned. it grew darker and i waited and paced a more. then, out of the blue, came the runner in blue. i don't like to stop runners, because i have been a runner, and i don't typically like to stop unless i need to... most likely certainly not for a stranger with a camera. but, i needed him to stop. so, selfishly, i served my needs (and, actually, i believe that it was my co-worker who did the summoning of this subject). i had become cold standing and waiting for the portrait, and common courtesy was not on my list of things to do at that point... please, forgive me. i did do my best to take the pictures quickly so that he could be on his way, and he was so pleasant that i think that he enjoyed the strange encounter.

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