Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Hat worth a u-turn

i had just picked up some food to go from a tasty asian restaurant, and as i was hungry and heading to my car to speed home, i happened across this beautiful and beaming young girl and her dad... the most awesome hat made me reroute my course. i u-turned with the bag of hot food in my hand and i approached the father. my delivery was smooth, and i was really hoping that he would consent, and he did... and then he began to get a bit skeptical when the release form was presented... and, i understand. there is a line in the form that basically gives me rights to alter the photograph without restriction. i did not write the form, i downloaded it, and i have not really had any issues with it until this particular evening. the gentleman/father is a smart, cautious, and trusting man... i appreciate that. luckily (and spiritually,) i mean no harm with this project; i want to capture and share little moments of beauty presented on the faces of fellow human beings. i would surely question some photographer/stranger if they were to approach me in a parking lot and want to take pictures of my daughter (and, honestly, i'm not so sure that i would consent.) but, as i said, i truly appreciate the trust that he, and so many others have had in me during this project. anyways, this girl is a most perfect addition to the collection... and the random background colors do something particularly good for me.
shrimp fried rice.

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