Monday, August 23, 2010

handicap parking portrait

near where i live is a bowling alley that appears to still be holding onto the paint job that it received in 1976. as i set out seeking a portrait on this particular night, i quickly found two women backdropped by said bowling alley, beautifully lit by the ambient parking lot light. there was one woman standing, and she was the one that i first spotted, and above her was a giant sign... BOWL. i was excited to quickly have found the night's subject, so, i pulled into the parking lot expecting to snap her photo... and then i saw this... a "handicapped" friend parked so perfectly next to the other woman. i approached them both (which has proven to be a very successful method... that is, when there are two, because one or the other will strongly volunteer the other with some meaningful reason (and a chuckle) why they would be perfect for the project,) but my pitch singled out the sitting subject as the ideal candidate for the evening. they laughed when they realized the irony that i had spotted and shared with them. the "handicapped" woman in the handicapped parking space was game for my game... especially when i told her that she didn't have to move a bit. and, the rest is portrait history.

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